Service Advisory

What is happening:

Legacy servers for the LTB Remote Management application will be shutting down as of December 31 2020.


How does this affect me:

If you are a current StratIS client, we have automatically rolled out the update to remove this service. Machines that were offline when the update was scheduled should receive the patch the next time they connect to the internet.

If machines are not connected before December 31 2020, they may require manual patching as described below.


Why is this happening:

Access to systems via the LTB Remote Management application have been selectively restricted since May 1st 2020. This software has been updated to the StratIS RMM service, it can safely be removed.


Manual Removal Steps:

1. Disable the service by running “services.msc” from the Run dialog of Windows (Windows key + R)

2. Scroll to the “LTB Managed Services Client” and right click on it

3. Select “disabled” under startup

4. Navigate to “C:\ProgramData” and delete the “LTB Managed Service Client” folder

Optional: You can also run “sc delete ‘LTB Managed Services Client'” to clean up the services entry 


StratIS recommends this task be completed as soon as possible to avoid any unexpected behavior, system instability, or potential security risks from running un-supported/un-maintained software.

If you require any assistance with removal of the legacy management tools, use the button below to reach out to our support team and we would be happy to assist you.